She specialises in public procurement law, business law and partnership and company law.
Attorney at law, managing partner of Pieróg & Partners Law Firm.
Winner of the 2015 Ring Stars Lawyers – Leaders of Tomorrow competition, organised by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna and Wolters Kluwer Polska publishing house.
She has several years of experience in the area of public procurement gained, among other things, during her work in the Control Department of the Public Procurement Office and within market-recognised law firms. She has been with PIERÓG & Partners Law Firm for twelve years. Over the past few years, she has combined her professional service to clients with her duties involving the management and coordination of the Firm’s team.
Long-time lecturer in postgraduate programmes on public procurement law at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Valued trainer of general public procurement law training courses as well as those dedicated to the employees of a specific economic operator or contracting entity. Speaker at a number of prestigious conferences. Author and co-author of commentaries, books and press releases, including the first commentary on implementing legislation on the market. Originator of a regular advisory column within the monthly magazine Public Procurement Advisor.
At the Firm, she heads the public procurement practice.
- she started her practice related to public procurement in the Control Department of the Public Procurement Office and enriched her expertise by working in the public procurement departments of renowned law firms;
- over the past several years, she has advised all participants in the public procurement market: contracting entities, economic operators and expenditure control bodies, which has given her a comprehensive view of procurement issues;
- she has advised on hundreds of public procurement procedures for supplies, services and works with values ranging from several hundred thousand to several billion zloty;
- chairperson of dozens of tender committees in proceedings of particular importance or complexity, including for the supply of liquid fuels (budget of over PLN 290 million), car lease (budget of over PLN 7 million), thermal modernisation of buildings (budget of over PLN 55 million);
- she has excellent experience in providing legal services for IT projects, in particular, she has been involved in conducting proceedings for the implementation or maintenance of the largest IT systems in the country;
- she works closely with construction companies to support economic operators in securing lucrative contracts in the public market;
- ss part of her day-to-day legal assistance, she advises commercial law companies on a wide range of business and commercial law issues, including nearly 2 years as legal counsel to the supervisory board of a joint stock company with a majority shareholding of the State Treasury, one of the largest entrepreneurs in Poland;
- efficient negotiator in proceedings conducted under negotiated procedures and in disputes arising at the contract implementation stage;
- she has successfully represented dozens of contracting entities and economic operators before the National Appeals Chamber and regional courts.
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