Jerzy Pieróg


Advocate, founder of PIERÓG & Partners Law Firm, which he has headed for 25 years. Permanent Mediator, as well as Permanent Conciliator of the Arbitration Court at the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. Member of the Public Procurement Council of the President of the Public Procurement Office.

From 1995 to 1997, he worked at the Public Procurement Office as director of the Appeals Team, where, among other things, he organised and coordinated the work of panels of arbitrators. He also served as an arbitrator on the list of the President of the Public Procurement Office for ten years, presiding over arbitration panels on numerous occasions.

He participated in the work of governmental and parliamentary bodies as an expert on numerous amendments to public procurement legislation, including as the main expert of the parliamentary sub-committee working on the Public Procurement Law from 2003 to 2004. In 2019, he also participated in the final stage of the government’s work on a new procurement law.

Since 1997, advisor and attorney in the most prominent tender and appeal proceedings in Poland, starting with the construction of the Świętokrzyska Route and Siekierkowska Route in Warsaw, through the construction of power units, e.g. at the Opole Power Plant and the Żerań Combined Heat and Power Plant, to participation in tenders and implementation of the largest IT contracts, e.g. for the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Centre for Information Technology (COI), the Centre of Healthcare Information Systems (CSIOZ), PGW Wody Polskie, the Institute of Telecommunications (Instytut Łączności) and the National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR). At present, he supports the Firm’s provision of legal services to the Central Communication Port (CPK), major healthcare entities or higher education institutions.

Since 2012, he has been consistently ranked number one in Chambers Europe’s international ranking of public procurement lawyers in Poland. Long-time lecturer on public procurement at postgraduate programmes at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as at classes for trainee attorneys at law.

He is the author of 15 editions of Commentary on Public Procurement Laws, published by C.H.Beck Publishers, as well as many other books, journalistic articles and papers presented at academic conferences. He was among the ‘Founding Fathers’ of the monthly magazine Public Procurement – Advisor. Currently, he is a member of its Programme Board and Editorial Team.


  • Has extensive legislative experience acquired during his work as Chief Legislative Officer at the Chancellery of the Senate of the Republic of Poland;
  • As the first director of the Appeals Team of the Public Procurement Office, he created and organised the work of arbitration resolving public procurement disputes;
  • He created and for several years headed the organisational unit for public procurement in a local government unit in Warsaw;
  • From 1995 to 2004, arbitrator on the list of the President of the Public Procurement Office, adjudicating and presiding over panels of arbitrators in hundreds of appeal hearings;
  • Member of government legislative teams drafting public procurement legislation;
  • Official expert to the Sejm committee for the development of the Public Procurement Law in 2003-2004;
  • Expert and advisor on numerous draft amendments to the Public Procurement Law;
  • Long-time consultant and advisor to various contracting entities, including those with complex organisational structures such as the Polish Post, TVP, higher education institutions, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA), etc.;
  • Advised large sectoral contracting entities in the energy sector for more than a dozen years;
  • He chaired dozens of tender committees and, as a contracting entity’s attorney, conducted many proceedings in various fields and under various procedures;
  • He has represented clients in more than two hundred appeal hearings before panels of arbitrators and before the National Appeal Chamber;
  • Attorney in numerous court cases involving public procurement;
  • Speaker at many prestigious conferences, including academic conferences organised by the Public Procurement Office and higher education institutions;
  • He has conducted hundreds of training courses, both open and dedicated to specific contracting entities and economic operators;
  • He was spectacularly successful in appeal proceedings for the construction of power units, where the contract value was PLN 6.5 billion and PLN 11 billion respectively;
  • He advised on the development of some of the largest IT systems in the country for, among others, the Social Insurance Institution, the Centre for Information Technology, the Centre of Healthcare Information Systems, the Polish Water Authority and the Institute of Telecommunications.


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  • Jerzy Pieróg, Stan prawny: na dzień 1 października 2002r., Seria: Krótkie Komentarze Becka, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck 2002
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